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Here's another family game that can have as many participants as there are Bingo Boards. Since it is a game of chance, children and grandchildren are equal opportunity winners!

There are many versions of Bingo including DVD's, audio games and the original spin the numbered blocks in a cage and then locate the selected number on individual Bingo cards. Prices range from $5 to $25. You can also play Bingo online at many different sites.

Here's a quick history of Bingo:

Bingo first began in Italy in 1530. France became interested in 1778. They played the game with a deck of cards. In the 1800's Educational Lotto games became popular.

In 1929 a New York salesman first saw the game at a carnival, it was called BEANO ~ because players placed a bean on their card. When he returned home he introduced it to his friends who became avid fans of the game. One of his friends became so excited when she won she stuttered...and B-B-Bingo was born.

Courtesy of Southcom.

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