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Louise S. |
Your Kabubble newsletter is really wonderful!
So creative. Keep it up!!!
Doug F. |
Suzy. I read the Jan and Feb
musings. I enjoy the style, content, and especially your turn of words
and heartfelt emotions. Thank you for sharing this part of you with all
who enjoy you through blogosphere.
L. |
"You and "it" are
great! I can't tell you how much my youngest grandchild, Tess (age 8)
is enjoying the activities. Tonight we drew bunnies and chicks, did a
word search, rhymed with the scramble puzzle, did several limericks and
jigsaw puzzles, etc.
You and Ry are very clever to come up with the idea and even better, to
put it into action. Thanks for being such creative people and allowing
others the fun of enjoying your ideas.
Will be looking for more hours of
grandparenting on Kabubble."
Mary J. |
"Your website is
beautiful. You have a very talented granddaughter!"
Jeff C. |
had the chance to show Scott the Kabubble site with his photos on it.
He got this huge smile on his face and really couldn't quite believe it.
It was fun to watch his response."
Jean R. |
"I didn't realize
that Kabubble was a real Internet site. It's Great!. I will introduce my
grandchildren and their parents to it."
Lisa C. |
"I tried ... to
look for you to tell you how much we enjoy Kabubble. We have 4
grandchildren & 3 of them were at Reunions (ages 4 & 3 & 3). The fourth
is a month old & stayed home with her mother.
Thanks for creating Kabubble."
Megan S. |
"My dad sent me the
link to your web site. It looks like fun! Grandchildren have inspired
you, I see...I am glad to see that you are keeping busy and creative."
Gerry A. |
"These are
great!!!" (referring to the Kabubble
United States Scramble)
Al P. |
"Checked out
Kabubble! You guys are unbelievable!"
William M. |
"Love your site and
wow, 100,000 hits I am soooooooo impressed, I will have grandma check
out the site when she returns this evening. Know all is well with you
two creative gennii."
Mel R. |
"By the way,
Kabubble is wonderful. It must give your grandchildren so much fun."
Penny L. |
"I think as Grandparents we need to
strive to enrich our grandchildren's
lives on as many levels as we can. Parents are so busy today, especially
when both work. Kabubble will help me do that!"
Ann K. |
checked out Kabubble! What a fantastic site you and Ry have created!
Love the bubbles above the logo. You two are so clever....
..as well as artistic. It is wonderful how encouraging you have been
with the cherub's artistic talents as well."
A and M have had more fun making paper
airplanes. They loved followiing
your photo directions., and are now decorating their third airplane..
Can hardly wait to try out some of the other projects and ideas.
Thank you for this wonderful Kabubble website! It truly is evolving
into something very special and unique. Being at our lake cabin we seem
to have more time to do 'Kabubble things'.
Bob W. |
A neighbor...told me of your web site.
Fantastic. Thoughtful. Thanks for doing so much for who knows how many
Id S. |
Thank you for the August Newsletter. In
reading it, I experienced a very nice relaxed enjoyment as I went
through it. I especially liked the math games and the grandparent
quotes. Also, I think Jacque Lawson is wonderful. I use her all the